Monday, 20 December 2010
Where has this year gone, I don't know, but Christmas sure came up awful fast. Guess that's the old age thing, seem's like it was just Summer and then out of nowhere, Christmas is this week. Work has slowed some as far as bussiness goes, but not for me, because I'm still working a full schedule and then some due to all the extended Holiday hours which really doesn't include the service dept much, but they like for us to be there and it gives me the opportunity to talk with customers about doing performance upgrades. I've been working on my tech schooling in between while it's not to busy. I'm going to be taking the Pan into work as soon as I get a decent day. We had a cold spell here last week with ice and there is a ton of salt and cinders on the road, I may have to put her in the back of the truck just so she doesn't have to face the abuse of all that crap. I need to tear her down to the base gaskets and I put it off last year, and now's the time. I can do it on my lunch breaks. Hammer is pushing the 80,000 mile mark and I have no complaints, what a great bike he is. I saw what I thought was the bike of my dreams come in the other day, a 2011 SE Streetglide in Black. I sat on it and that was all it took to tell me, #1, I can't afford it, #2 it's to heavy for me, #3 sits to high off the ground and #4 I have a great bike that is still cable operated and I don't need a new bike. End of discussion. I am sold on my Streetglide for my distance bike, but I don't like the electronic throttle in all the new touring bikes. Besides, my bike will leave those 110 factory motors in my rear view mirror. Went to a benefit last week down at Fatboy's in Desoto for the food pantry and the weather was really bad, so the turnmout was not good this year. Kathy over at the biking life magazine does such a good job with this everyyear. I know they could still use some donation's, so if you live anywhere near Desoto, MO. you might want to drop off some canned goods. Down here we still say " Have a Merry Christmas, and God Bless You all."CG 
Posted by CruelGirl
at 10:14 AM CST
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