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Sunday, 23 January 2011

So I finally got Cruella into work for a complete revamp. I don't get but and hour a day to work on her during lunch, so the process is slow. The petcock was leaking so she's getting a new Pingel. I have had a bubble under the paint on the tank since she was last painted and I have been trying to decide as to let it go, or get her painted. Couple of the guys as in the shop have been pushing me to repaint her, not sure on that yet. Tranny was leaking big time, just happened this fall, so I got the primary off to replace the seals. I also realized what I though was a base gasket leak was coming from the base of the magneto, so that's a relief in itself not to have to pull that all down. Now for all you people that have given me shit the past few years about going to a hand clutch, well quit your bitching cause the jock is going back on. One of my techs at work is fabricating me a custom shifter knob. You probably can't see it from the picture's, but as a joke they wire tied on a long rod with a little 8 ball on it. I've got a few months before spring to get her ready, so sit back and wait. Happy New Year to you All, CG



Posted by CruelGirl at 7:34 PM CST
Updated: Sunday, 23 January 2011 8:08 PM CST

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