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Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Posted by CruelGirl
at 7:53 PM CST
Sunday, 2 November 2008
Since I started working a fulltime job, I haven't had time for much social activity and zero time to get on the internet. I have also made two trip's to Minnestota since I was here last the first to visit a sick friend, the last to go to his funeral. Just wanted to dro aline and say thank's for all the letter's inquiring as to my well being, I'm fine, just been busy. Please read the following before you go vote Tuesday. CG
Posted by CruelGirl
at 11:33 PM CST
Friday, 22 August 2008
Posted by CruelGirl
at 10:26 PM CDT
Updated: Friday, 22 August 2008 10:58 PM CDT
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
Below is an actual letter from a friend that was forwarded to me to give you a soldier's point of view on OBOMBA's recent publicity tour
Posted by CruelGirl
at 10:34 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 29 July 2008 10:50 PM CDT
Tuesday, 22 July 2008
Still feeling the exhaustion from this past week in CA. I went for a tournament and got time to spend with somes friends out there too. The tournament turned out to be a flop, not at all what we had invisioned it to be, in fact, we were disapointed to say the least. It was 2nd place down the line for my Sensei, Kim and myself in kata and Kim took 1st in underbelt sparring. They imposed these RULES while we were there, no groin contact, no excessive contact, no blood, no this, no that...........There was only two girls for me to fight with and they gave me the bye for the first fight, so I would fight the winner of that fight. Well they barely got going and the center judge started imposing excessive calls on the one girl which were not excessive at all, next thing you know the other girl is going down to the ground, looked like she fainted, it was weird, but the other girl got DQ'd, the winner was on the ground and I had no one to fight. So I called on my Student Kim to do an exhibition fight with their permission and they said yes since she was my student. We decided we would show them how this was supposed to be done and before you know it the ref stops the fight, tells us to keep it under control and I'm like, this is my student, believe me, she can take the punishment as well as dish it out. I played with her a bit, but don't get me wrong, she can definitely pull her own.We got a big round of applause for entertaining the crowd. Lot's of wasted money going there, but I spent a few days with my friend and he took me sight seeing around the LA area, so it was more like vacation than a tournament for me. I gave my medals to the little girl at the home where he lives. Ok, for all you John McCain Supporters, Kellie Pickler and Kid Rock Fans, they will all be at the Buffalo Chip on the same day, Monday, August 4th, I will be there, my one oportunity to hear him speak. Please take a moment and watch this video link below. Have a great week, CG http://www.johnmccain.com/videolanding/documentary.htm These pic's were taken during the briefing of the rules, you can see the "U GOTTA BE KIDDIN" look on our faces when they were telling us what the contestants would not be allowed to do during the sparring
Posted by CruelGirl
at 10:37 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 22 July 2008 11:12 PM CDT
Sunday, 13 July 2008
I left out of here on Thursday July 3rd and rode up to WI just past Madison where I met up with Powder at her cabin. Of course, it was raining when I left, rode 200 of the 400 in the rain, but by the time I got there, the sky had cleared and it cool and the sun was shining. We took a walk down to the lake and had dinner and called it an early night. Got up around 6:45AM, after coffee and a shower we were on our way to Albert Lea,MN to meet Red. Red's riding an old shovel known as PIG BITCH and BITCH she is and she choose July 4th to show her Bitch self off. Started the morning with Red telling us that the coil had come off, broken bolt and would be late. We slowed our pace and got to the Truckstop an hour later than scheduled, got a call from RED and now there was a loose wire from the coil that had to be fixed, meet you down the road. We detoured our original route to meet up with her and finally they putted in. I'm not even going to go there as to PIG BITCH'S behavior the rest of the weekend, it's a shovel, do the math. We got to Algona later than expected and still found a pretty good place to pitch our tent's. Friday night Jackyl played and Saturday it was Joe Diffie. I have to give a huge thumbs up to Iowa ABATE, they sure know how to put on an event top notch. They had trucks coming through all day cleaning the outhouses, very clean shower house, cheap cold beer and food available 24hrs. This is the old Humboldt Rally in case you were wondering, it will be an annual event from now on for me. Saturday we went on a poker run 100% payback and I came in third and took home $175.00 cash. Since it was a fun run put on by the local bars, I kept it instead of donating back like most events we go to. That paid for my gas (can you believe I'm saying that?). We also stopped by the Grotto of Redemption which was on the poker run route,I'm thinking it was in West Bend, IA, all made of stone, pretty cool to walk through it and check out the artwork. We hung out Saturday night and watched Joe Diffie and headed back to camp around midnight. I made camp coffee every day and I guess you could call it getting old, but...we were up both mornings by 7:00am, not hung over and ready to go, feeling the pain of our neighbor's around us and being that the coffee was way up on the hill at the concession's, we were glad to share. You know, been there, done that to many time's, and waking up in a campgound without a hangover was a first for me, and it felt good. I drank a couple beer's, but I like the taste of beer, not the effect, so by midnight, I was back to Soda. We said our goodbyes while Red wrenched on PIG BITCH AGAIN and Powder and I rode East together as far as Cedar Rapids and we parted ways. Had a great weekend. I'm going to Los Angeles on Thursday and will be back after next weekend. Have a Great Week, CG
Posted by CruelGirl
at 8:30 PM CDT
Saturday, 12 July 2008
Famous "WORDS" just "WORDS" from some community organizer in a suit named BARACK HUSSIEN OBAMA who somehow is now the Democratic Nominee for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!! The picture above is the test missles that Iran fired off a couple days ago that are capable of wiping out Israel and US Bases. But according to Obomba, Iran isn't a serious threat, just a tiny country. MY GOD, would you please wake up and put down the koolaid, grab yourself a beer and a shot of Whiskey instead and STOP listening to the left and all their Bullshit on this guy. He doesn't have a CLUE as to what is going on in this world, how the HELL do you expect him to be our LEADER? Iran Leaders have mocked him, of course they didn't name him specifically, but they said "THEY don't think we are a threat" they we're quoting Obomba. YOU ARE EMBARASSMENT TO THE USA IF YOU DON'T SPEAK SPANISH, FRENCH, GERMAN OR ANOTHER FOREIGN LANGUAGE ACCORDING TO BARACK HUSSEIN OBOMBMA! English is the UNIVERSAL language and what we speak here, go back to Africa, Iran or where ever the hell you please, but get the fuck out of the USA!!!!!! ARIGATO! I can't help but keep posting here, I'm scared, real scared. Wake up AMERICA! If you buy one book this year, buy FLEECED by Dick Morris (personally I can't stand the guy) and please read it before the Nov. election's. The choice is yours, I made mine.
Posted by CruelGirl
at 9:01 PM CDT
Updated: Sunday, 13 July 2008 8:29 PM CDT
Wednesday, 2 July 2008
I know I said no more Politic's but I feel I owe you and our Country an apology for ever supporting Hillary Clinton as I was blinded by the DNC. I feel like a fool for not looking further into John McCain's background and allowing myself to listen to all the lies from the left. He is no doubt the BEST canidate that we have to choose from. This week my husband got the news that he will be loosing his job at Chrysler after more than 20 years due to them closing the STL plant. This is the second time since we have been married that my husband will loose his job at an American Auto Plant. People are flocking to the Imports and the Dems will not drill for oil. My suggestion to them is that each family get themselves a ricshaw and take turns hauling one another around and give up their gas and diesel powered cars. To any of you that are drinking the Obomba KoolAide, how the HELL are you going to run that Harley on windpower or electricity, huh? And THEY don't want to even do that right now for wind power is an eye sore and it will kill the birds, can't use water power, it will kill the Salmon. Can't build giant solar panels in barren desert because they don't know what effect it will have on the enviorment if we steal energy from the SUN! No Nuclear Power, did you know that France is run on 80% Nuclear Power?We are the safest Nation when it comes to Enviromental Protection and the fact that they don't want to drill for oil is rediculous. Do you think any of these foreign countries that we have let ourselves become dependant on give a damn about the enviroment when it comes to drilling?Obama is going to double the Capital Gains Tax, now that my husbandis losing his job, that is going to effect us with our life savings for his retirement. He is going to tax Inheritance, taking away Bush's Tax cut, he is going to tax us about a billion dollars to go for Global funding to feed the rest of the world when we can't even afford to feed our own people. He has the nerve to say he is more qualified than John McCain because he is a Harvard Grad, fuck him! The only experience he has is sitting for 20 years in a racist church that spews hate against white people from every pew, hanging around with a unrepented terrorist who he sat on the board with for the Woods foundation which is linked on Trinity's Church website. How convient that they have now pulled the archived Grants that he and William Ayers gave to all these hate groups, go to the website, their gone. Overnight his nasty wife has turned into Martha Stuart. When it comes to National Security and our economy, John McCain is the only answer that we have.How dare them put down John McCain's military service to our country! I guess the people don't realize that we don't have a Draft, the people enlisting in our Military to go fight for our country are doing it because they WANT TO YOU DUMB FUCKS! I have two nephews that enlisted because they WANTED TO GO FIGHT FOR OUR COUNTRY! You don't think that they realized that they may sacrifice their lives for us when they did this? My father was a Navy Seal and gave more than 20 years of his life to our Military. My uncle was a POW. All the men in my family including my Immigrant Grandfather served this country Proudly and Obomba can stick his new found patriotism up his ass! Have a Great Independance Day and I'll see ya at the Freedom Rally, CG
Posted by CruelGirl
at 8:29 AM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 2 July 2008 9:56 PM CDT
Monday, 30 June 2008
I didn't do so well at the International tournament this year. I made a huge mistake in my kata, made something up, got through it, but the damage was done. My fighting didn't go to well either, won the first fight and second fight gave up a point for excessive contact and she ended up beating me by that one point before time ran out, I finished third overall. My three students did well,walked away with two first's, a 4th and a fifth place and they are all beginner's. We attended the award's banquet the night before, I was given two plaques for second place overall for the year in Forms and Sparring, more than I expected since I didn't get to compete much due to the shoulder surgery. I will be going to CA in a few week's to compete out there. This weekend I'm riding up to Wisconsin, than over to MN and then down to Algona, IA. for the Freedom Rally. Please be safe and remember all those who served our country. CG
Posted by CruelGirl
at 10:04 PM CDT
Sunday, 8 June 2008
I know I have been on the politic's to much the past few month's , but I am so over the bullshit after watching and listening to the DNC meeting last week that I will still vote this year and it will be for JOHN MCCAIN and that's the end of this topic at least until election time. With the rising cost of gas my truck sit's pretty idle these days except for a biweekly trip to the feedstore and grocery's. I took a ride to MN for the Memorial Day weekend and we made a stop at the Bond Slaves party and we had our bikes packed with tent's and sleepings bags, no real set destination, just ready to setup camp when and where we felt like it. Got ready to leave the Bond Slaves and head east to another getogether and I started my bike and as soon as I put it in gear it died and I lost all power. My dash and everything went completely dead. My first instinct was the battery ground. I unpacked the entire bike, pulled the seat and the ground cable was a little loose and sure enough the power came back. Thought that was it, loaded it all back up, hit the button and it went dead again. I do have a volt gauge and I know it was charging correctly when I turned it off. So we pulled it all apart again, pulled the bags,side covers and started looking for a bad wire something. Nothing. Next thing you know, power is back. I rode it around the area a bit and nothing would shut it down so we we loaded him up and took off. What I needed was a volt meter to check the battery itself, but none to be found. We crashed the night at a private party, stayed lazy all the next day and I headed home on Monday, well almost. I was barely out of Minneapolis and my bike shut off going down the road, then kicked back on. Since it was Memorial Day, all the dealerships were closed and it is inder warranty. I made a few phone calls and found out that one was open back about 30 miles for a few hours with limited service so I headed back since I knew I wasn't going to make it home. I told them the sympton's, told them that even though my charging system was working, it was like all my power was being cut off from the battery. They pulled the fairing apart,pulled the bags and covers, ran computer check and no error codes. I must have been there 2.5 hours and they finally took it for a ride, came back and told me they couldn't find anything,and of course he wouldn't act up for them. I'm like what the fuck am I supposed to do, get back on the road and get stranded in the middle of Iowa? They were looking at me like I was some stupid chick that was making this shit up and I stood there and hit my start button a few times and on the third time it went DEAD! I was like Hah, I told you so. One of the techs that was working in a different room yells out, that's the battery! I never knew that they never bothered to check the battery itself in that 2.5 hours, I just assumed they would, not! They put the meter on it it and it was drawing zero! The plates inside was broke, that's all it was and since it wasn't warranty on the battery, it cost me $182.00 to finally get back on the road. They asked if I wanted them to put it in and I was like am I going to get charged for this, well yeah at least half hour labor now, and I'm like, well then stick it in. I didn't make it all the way home that night, I rode until dusk and smart move to get a room because there were more storms on the way overnight. I spent the last week cutting the pasture's, got a good tan started. This coming weekend is my big International Tournament and awards banquet. I didn't get to compete much because of the shoulder surgery but I still managed to squeeze out second place in kata and sparring overall for the year end awards, so I will have put on the yearly dress and go to the awards banquet. Actually, I don't mind at all getting dressed up once in awhile. I'm planning on making the Freedom Rally over the 4th. Have a great week, CG
Posted by CruelGirl
at 10:54 PM CDT
Friday, 16 May 2008
I got a letter the other day from a friend and was asking if everything was OK here since I hadn't posted in awhile. I've been real busy around the property with keeping all the yardwork done and my neighbor had a stroke so I have been helping out his wife doing their yard work too and these ain't little yards! Also had a death in the family that was totally unexpected. Got both the bikes inspected and liscensed for another two years. I picked up a "S" hook off a black rubber bungee cord last week in my rear tire on the bagger. Been really working hard for the International tournament in June, going to a local tournament tomorrow for a tuneup session. Then it's riding the rest of the weekend, 80's here Sat and Sunday. Memorial weekend I will be heading to MN for the Bond Slaves party. I have consumed myself in this election this year, MSNBC is such a suck ass for Obama it makes me sick. If I so much as hear his voice on the TV, I have to change the channel. The democrats have spoken as to who they want for their canidate and it ain't that racist pig, but it doesn't matter, they are stuffing him down our throats. He need's to take his racist wife and get the fuck out of America and go to one of his Muslim supporter Country's. There are so many people that don't watch cable news or follow the politic's, they just look at the fake smile and think, man, he's God or something. Please take the time to read what I have posted below. Have a great week, CG This is the Laundry list of Obama lies, if you read these and you still vote for Obama, you are a fool. 1.) Selma Got Me Born - LIAR, your parents felt safe enough to have you in 1961 - Selma had no effect on your birth, as Selma was in 1965. Source: hotair.com 2.) Father Was A Goat Herder - LIAR, he was a privileged, well educated youth, who went on to work with the Kenyan Government. Source: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message504435/pg1 3.) Father Was A Proud Freedom Fighter - LIAR, he was part of one of the most corrupt and violent governments Kenya has ever had Source:http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2008/01/obamas-oginga-o.html 4.) My Family Has Strong Ties To African Freedom - LIAR, your cousin Raila Odinga has created mass violence in attempting to overturn a legitimate election in 2007, in Kenya. It is the first widespread violence in decades. Source:http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2008/01/obamas-oginga-o.html 5.) My Grandmother Has Always Been A Christian - LIAR, she does her daily Salat prayers at 5am according to her own interviews. Not to mention, Christianity wouldn’t allow her to have been one of 14 wives to 1 man. Source: According to NYTimes story of April of last year, Sarah Hussein Obama told the New York Times she is a devout Muslim. 6.) My Name is African Swahili - LIAR, your name is Arabic and ‘Baraka’ (from which Barack came) means ‘blessed’ in that language. Hussein is also Arabic and so is Obama. 7.) I Never Practiced Islam - LIAR, you practiced it daily at school, where you were registered as a Muslim and kept that faith for 31 years,until your wife made you change, so you could run for office. 8.) My School In Indonesia Was Christian - LIAR, you were registered as Muslim there and got in trouble in Koranic Studies for making faces (check your own book). 9.) I Was Fluent In Indonesian - LIAR, not one teacher says you could speak the language. 10.) Because I Lived In Indonesia, I Have More Foreign Experience - LIAR, you were there from the ages of 6 to 10, and couldn’t even speak the language. What did you learn, how to study the Koran and watch cartoons. 11.) I Am Stronger On Foreign Affairs - LIAR, except for Africa (surprise) and the Middle East (bigger surprise), you have never been anywhere else on the planet and thus have NO experience with our closest allies. 12.) I Blame My Early Drug Use On Ethnic Confusion - LIAR, you were quite content in high school to be Barry Obama, no mention of Kenya and no mention of struggle to identify - your classmates said you were just fine. 13.)An Ebony Article Moved Me To Run For Office - LIAR, Ebony has yet to find the article you mention in your book. It doesn’t, and never did, exist. 14.) A Life Magazine Article Changed My Outlook On Life - LIAR, Life has yet to find the article you mention in your book. It doesn’t, and never did, exist. 15.) I Won’t Run On A National Ticket In ‘08 - LIAR, here you are, despite saying, live on TV, that you would not have enough experience by then, and you are all about having experience first. 16.) Present Votes Are Common In Illinois - LIAR, they are common for YOU, but not many others have 130 NO VOTES. 17.) Oops, I Misvoted - LIAR, only when caught by church groups and democrats, did you beg to change your misvote. 18.) I Was A Professor Of Law - LIAR, you were a senior lecturer ON LEAVE. 19.) I Was A Constitutional Lawyer - LIAR, you were a senior lecturer ON LEAVE. 20.) Without Me, There Would Be No Ethics Bill - LIAR, you didn’t write it,introduce it, change it, or create it. 21.) The Ethics Bill Was Hard To Pass - LIAR, it took just 14 days from start to finish. 22.) I Wrote A Tough Nuclear Bill - LIAR, your bill was rejected by your own party for its pandering and lack of all regulation - mainly because of your Nuclear Donor, Exelon, from which David Axelrod came. 23.) I Have Released My State Records - LIAR, as of March, 2008, state bills you sponsored or voted for have yet to be released, exposing all the special interests pork hidden within. 24.) I Took On The Asbestos Altgeld Gardens Mess - LIAR, you were part of a large group of people who remedied Altgeld Gardens. You failed to mention anyone else but yourself, in your books. 25.) My Economics Bill Will Help America - LIAR, your 111 economic policies were just combined into a proposal which lost 99-0, and even YOU voted against your own bill. 26.) I Have Been A Bold Leader In Illinois - LIAR, even your own supporters claim to have not seen BOLD action on your part. 27.) I Passed 26 Of My Own Bills In One Year - LIAR, they were not YOUR bills, but rather handed to you, after their creation by a fellow Senator, to assist you in a future bid for higher office. 28.) No One Contacted Canada About NAFTA - LIAR, the Candian Government issued the names and a memo of the conversation your campaign had with them. 29.) I Am Tough On Terrorism - LIAR, you missed the Iran Resolution vote on terrorism and your good friend Ali Abunimah supports the destruction of Israel. 30.) I Am Not Acting As President Yet - LIAR, after the NAFTA Memo, a dead terrorist in the FARC, in Colombia, was found with a letter stating how you and he were working together on getting FARC recognized officially. 31.) I Didn’t Run Ads In Florida - LIAR, you allowed national ads to run 8-12 times per day for two weeks - and you still lost. 32.) I Won Michigan - LIAR, no you didn’t. 33.) I won Nevada - LIAR, no you did not. 34.) I Want All Votes To Count - LIAR, you said let the delegates decide. 35.) I Want Americans To Decide - LIAR, you prefer caucuses that limit the vote, confuse the voters, force a public vote, and only operate during small windows of time. 36.) I passed 900 Bills in the State Senate - LIAR, you passed 26, most of which you didn’t write yourself. 37.) My Campaign Was Extorted By A Friend - LIAR, that friend is threatening to sue if you do not stop saying this. Obama has stopped saying this. 38.) I Believe In Fairness, Not Tactics - LIAR, you used tactics to eliminate Alice Palmer from running against you. 39.) I Don’t Take PAC Money - LIAR, you take loads of it. 40.) I don’t Have Lobbysists - LIAR, you have over 47 lobbyists, and counting. 41.) My Campaign Had Nothing To Do With The 1984 Ad - LIAR, your own campaign worker made the ad on his Apple in one afternoon. 42.) My Campaign Never Took Over MySpace - LIAR, Tom, who started MySpace issued a warning about this advertising to MySpace clients. 43.) I Inspire People With My Words - LIAR, you inspire people with other people’s words. 44.) I Have Passed Bills In The U.S. Senate - LIAR, you have passed A BILL in the U.S. Senate - for Africa, which shows YOUR priorities. 45.) I Have Always Been Against Iraq - LIAR, you weren’t in office to vote against it AND you have voted to fund it every single time, unlike Kucinich, who seems to be out gutting you Obama. You also seem to be stepping back from your departure date - AGAIN. 46.) I Have Always Supported Universal Health Care - LIAR, your plan leaves us all to pay the 15,000,000 who don’t have to buy it. 47.) I Only Found Out About My Investment Conflicts Via Mail - LIAR, both companies you site as having sent you letters about this conflict have no record of any such letter ever being created or sent. 48.) I Am As Patriotic As Anyone - LIAR, you won’t wear a flag pin and you don’t put your hand over your heart during the Anthem. 49.) My Wife Didn’t Mean What She Said About Pride In Country - LIAR, your wife’s words follow lock-step in the vein of Wright and Farrahkan, in relation to their contempt and hatred of America. 50.) Wal-Mart Is A Company I Wouldn’t Support - LIAR, your wife has received nearly a quater of a million dollars through Treehouse, which is connected to Wal-Mart. 51.) Treehouse Is A Small Company - LIAR, the CEO of Treehouse last year, made more than the CEO of Wal-Mart, according to public records. 52.) University Of Chicago Hospital Pay Is Fair - LIAR, your wife’s pay raise was nearly 150% her already bloated rate and the hospital is a Non-Profit Hospital, which made $100,000,000 in the last 3 years. They overcharge blacks VS whites for services, and overcharge everyone in general by 538%! 53.)I Barely Know Rezko - Only 5 Billed Hours - LIAR, you have known him for 17 years, and decided to do a real estate deal with him during a time when he was proven to be under investigation. Despite this, you divided your property and had them take off $300K before the mortgage problems started. Then Rezko’s wife buys the lot beside it that you can’t afford, saving you $625,000. 54.) My Donations Have Been Checked Thoroughly - LIAR, you only gave back Hsu ($72K) and Rezko (first $66K, then when caught lying $86K, then when caught lying again $150K and now caught lying YET AGAIN OBAMA, it’s $250k) their money when publically called on their involvement in your campaigns. 55.) My Church Is Like Any Other Christian Church - LIAR, your church is so extreme, the pastor who married you, Rev. Wright, just got done blaming the US for 9/11 and named Louis Farrahkan their person of the year. 56.) I Disagree With My Church All The Time - LIAR, you still have yet to repudiate Wright, who married you and your wife, and you still donate large sums of money to assist the church in furthering its message - hatred and revenge. You donated in 2006 alone, $22,500 to the church that you so terribly disagree with. That is nearly $500 PER WEEK - that sure is disagreement, Senator Obama. 57.) I Have Clean Connections Despite Rezko - LIAR, you are not only connected to Exelon and Rezko, you are also connected to Hillary PAC supporter Mr. Hsu, AND an Iraqi Billionaire of ill repute, Nadhmi Auchi, who ripped off people in the Food For Oil, Iraqi deal. Seems Mr. Auchi may have helped Obama buy his million dollar property long before Obama had millions of dollars. Wonder what favors Mr. Auchi expects, when Obama leaves Iraq free to be taken over by special interests such as him. 58.) I never heard sermons like Rev. Wright’s, that have been in videos all day, You Tube - LIAR! 3 days later during your Mea Culpa BS speech you said “Did I hear controversial statements while I sat in that church? Yes I did.” 59.) The Passport Invasion is a conspiracy to find dirt on me! - LIAR. Your own Campaign Foreign Policy Advisor is the CEO of the company that looked into your records. PS - You had them look into yours to hide the fact you looked into Clinton’s and McCain’s more than a year before! 60.) Rev. Meeks has nothing to do with my campaigning - LIAR. Rev. Meeks appeared in ads for your Senate Campaign, donated to you, and helped raise money, then AND NOW. PS - He also seems to despise America. 61.) My wife didn’t mean America is ignorant, she was just using a phrase - LIAR. Again, MicHELLe’s comments perfectly sync with Wright’s, Meeks’, and Farrakhans, both in language, anger, and direction. 62.) I am very Anti-Terror - LIAR. [03/30/2008] One of your good pals is long time radical and terrorist William Ayers, with whom you have been seen in the last 12 months and who has helped the now jailed khalidi, Professor at Columbia who invited Ahmadinejad to the University, to raise money for Palestinian terrorism attacks against Israel. PS - Your church published a pro Hamas Manifesto - guess you weren’t there on THAT Sunday either? How lucky for you.
Posted by CruelGirl
at 8:35 PM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 2 July 2008 9:15 PM CDT
Friday, 11 April 2008
So in case you haven't heard the latest bullshit coming from Obama, one of his own supporter's came forward and released his speech he was giving to a bunch of WEALTHY people in San Francisco and he put down the working class and unemployed people in PA and generally speaking probably every one of you that is reading this. Smart Move Dickhead right before the PA elections. People all over the country want to take back their votes. The only media that gives the real facts is the FOXNEWS channel, they aren't kissing his ass like the rest of them. For some good reading check out http://www.townhall.com
Posted by CruelGirl
at 11:58 PM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 2 July 2008 9:18 PM CDT
Monday, 7 April 2008
I attended the Donnie Smith Bike Show the weekend of March 29th in St. Paul, MN. The Hellkats shared a booth with the MN HA with our support gear. Big thank-you to the MN HA for allowing us to work with them once again, love you guys! I decided to put my effort's this weekend into getting Cruella back up and running. My OM snapped a pic of me Saturday morning in my Kitty Kat PJ's and slipper's putting the tranny back together. It's been awhile since I pulled the magneto out and did point's etc. , but it needed to be pulled because it sits to close to the cylinders and you can't get a screwdriver on the back side to get the wire's off for the condeser etc. So I did all this and I guess I missed the stroke when I lined up the timing mark and I kicked and kicked and than I started getting mad and quit for the day. Today I went back out and pulled everything apart AGAIN and started over and I still don't have something right, but I'll get it. No one else has wrenched on her in the past eight years except me and I plan on keeping it that way, so she is on hold until Wednesday when I have some free time. It's best to quit when you feel yourself losing your patience. I did manage to get up early on Sunday morning and ride Hammer to the dojo and workout while most of STL was either at Cadilac Jack's for the Bike Blessing or at TJ's for the bike show. When I got back I drained his fluid's while he was nice and warm and fooled with Cruella a bit. I have some very important tournament's coming up in the next few month's and training is crucial right now since all my down time. I have the Big International's in June and than in July we are going to an Invitational in CA. I've got two kinda local tournament's this month for practice. The Hellkats will have their new support gear up on their website later this week, please check it out.The picture's posted below are as follows: DONNIE SMITH BIKE SHOW 1&2 and TRANNY PJ'S AND TODAY'S MESS
Posted by CruelGirl
at 9:17 PM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 9 April 2008 10:45 PM CDT
Monday, 17 March 2008
http://answers.polldaddy.com/viewPoll.aspx?view=results&id=430599 And so by the evening that I wrote my last post, they FINALLY exposed Obomba for who he really is. ABC, CBS, NBC, gave you about a 10 second bite of the film clips from Jerimiah Wright. This is the fuckin' media that most American's watch...however, the cable news have exposed this racist pig for what he is. The latest polls are showing buyer's regret, but... if you have a reciept you can get your money back and that's just what they are doing.Obomba is so done! He spoke very carefully when adressing Jerimiah Wrighty saying he never sat in the pew when these exact words were spoken, however....20 years in the church and he never once heard any of these racist remarks against not only the white population, but America as a whole. FUCK YOU OBOMBA! When asked if he would sing GOD BLESS AMERICA , instead of answering YES, he paused and paused again and said"well not right now", how bout a simple Yes? You people that voted for him should be ashamed of yourself whether you are White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, It doesn't matter, when it comes to something as important as picking a leader for our country, you should take a little time and really look into the canidate you are voting for BEFORE you make a decision based on media hype.The polls and blogs are showing that he is done, so much regret and they are all saying if I would have only known BEFORE the primary's, before the caucase's, I wouldn't have given him my vote. I take my vote very seriously and I have spent numerous hours on line, watching news because I want what's best for our country,so if he get's the nomination , which right now look's like next to impossible, blame yourself , no one else.Tonight, Fox news Greta Van Susteren invited both spouse's to her show, Bill Clinton accepted and he was in New Orleans with Brad Pitt helping rebuild Katrina, Obomba's wife declined an interview. Gee, very easy when you have the floor to tell American's what a piece of shit our country is, but when it comes to an interview where you are asked question's and can't make racist , hateful statement's, you decline. You had your chance, now go back to your church and ask God for mercy on yours and your husband's pitiful soul's and may you rot in HELL! Or maybe you could find assylum with reverend Wright, we here he fled the country and is hiding out in Africa, how convenient for your campaign. Back to Bike's and things.I took two of my student's to a tournament this past Saturday and they did so good. They are both beginner's. mother and daughter. We walked out of there with six trophys. I competed, wasn't quite ready and against doctor's order's, lost my first match in sparring, was outside and wasn't ready when they called us to the ring, my fault, won my second fight. Not to good in form's took third place, I didn't feel 100% and I didn't feel like I even deserved that placing.Sunday I took Hammer out to try and find a gasket for Cruella's tranny, no luck, so she's still on hold till I can get to the city. Have a Great week, CG
Posted by CruelGirl
at 10:35 PM CDT
Thursday, 13 March 2008
Thumbs Up to Geraldine Ferraro for finally getting the message out there. This now IS about race.Back in October, Clinton had about 70% of the black voters, now Obama has 90%. Why is it if your white anything you say negative about o-BOMB-a is racist? Why is that the Media will not confront him with all his racist friends and aquaintances? Did any of you hear the news clip from his pastor in Chicago saying "GOD DAMN AMERICA, GOD DAMN AMERICA and other statements saying a "WHITE HILLARY CLINTON"? If that's not racist, I don't know what is and OBOMBA's fuckin' wife is just as bad.What about his friend in the World Underground,William Ayers who declared War on the US? What about the close relationship with his preacher that gave FaraKKKan a Lifetime achievement award? Yet OBOMBA will not denounce either of these two guys, he was married by this pastor, has been a member of the Church for 20 years( although i still belive he has a lot of Muslim hiding in that suit), had his children baptized there, whom by the way, their motto is Unashamedly Black. Can you imagine if Clinton or McCain went to a Church that said Unashamedly White? Obomba himself said he titled his book after his pastor, his so called spiritual leader, his mentor Jeramiah Wright.He re is the link to the video news clip and you'll find some windows below it that also have this pastor of his showing HIS true Color.http://news.aol.com/political-machine/2008/03/13/obamas-pastor/?ncid=NWS00010000000001 I would hope to think that I'm not alone here with the people that visit this site. I guess I'm watching way to much of the political news these days, maybe I'm the only one. You need to watch some CNN or FNC and you'd know what is really going on.I have never really claimed myself to be a democrat or republican, I vote for who I think can do the best job. I don't give a damn about what the Clinton's did in their private life, my life was good, your life was good. McCain seem's to have only one thing on his list of things to do and that is win this war, I would like to think that he would bring something else to the table that would give our country some hope of pulling out of this recession and if you didn't know it, we have been in one for the past four months. 55,000 Americans are losing there homes every month. We can blame this all on the Bush administration and he has left alot of us afraid to even consider another Republican in office as our President.But now McCain is taking back what he promised on cutting taxes, he got his nomination, he doesn't care now. But...I WILL NOT VOTE FOR A RACIST HIDING BEHIND A SUIT WITH THE BACKBONE OF A FUCKIN' WORM. IT'S TIME SOMEONE (AND THEY ARE STARTING TOO)EXPOSES HIM FOR WHAT HE REALLY IS. I never thought of myself as a racist before but this whole oBOMBa thing is starting to get to me. Someone said to me the other day"If my grandfather knew it would be like this he would have picked his own cotton." Am I sounding racist? Good, because I am fuckin' tired of being the minority. On another subject, should have Cruella back together this weekend, just need to get a gasket and some gear oil. It was 80 here yesterday, got a short 100 mile ride in, first time without a leather or leather coveralls. Today was just as nice, high 60's, but to much to do around here to get any riding done. I'm taking my two yellow belts to our first Tournament this weekend. They are making me very proud with their hard work and effort. I'm going to compete too, first time since October, I think, some time before the shoulder surgery.I will be in Minnesota for the Donnie Smith Bike Show at the St. Paul Rivercenter the 29-30th. Stop by and say hi to my sister's and I, we will be sharing a booth with the MN HA and we'll have some new Hellkats Support Gear. As always, have a Great week, thanks for your letter's, I read each and every one and feel free to leave your comments at the guestbook, CG
Posted by CruelGirl
at 11:05 PM CDT
Updated: Friday, 14 March 2008 2:12 PM CDT