Saturday, 8 September 2007
Where have I been? Here there, everywhere. Labor Day weekend I actually stayed close to the house for once, my Sis and her husband rode down from up north and we spent the weekend with them. We split off on Sunday and the guy's went one way and we rode the other. We rode up to the city and made a stop at Shady Jack's, grabbed some lunch there and left our bikes and walked down to the STL landing for the Big Muddy Blues Fest. Hung out there for awhile and than went back to get our bike's and did some more riding and eventually ended up back with the OM for dinner. One of the best Labor Day weekend's as far as weather went we've had in a long time. We've been getting a nice two day soaker here and we needed it so bad, everything was so fried up when I got back from Sturgis. Today is the Big Mo Biker Bash out in Hillsboro, MO. Guess I'll be taking the truck, not to fond of parking my bike in a Big Muddy Field. There should be a flyer posted on my Events Page. I have two tournaments coming up next weekend and the weekend after. I went in two days ago for an MRI of my shoulder which has not been right since I fought in June, I think I might have a slight tear in the rotator cuff, I'll find out this Tuesday. I have a road trip planned for MN the last week of September, not going to be to many more rides up that way before the snow starts flying. Have a great week, CG
Posted by CruelGirl
at 10:22 AM CDT
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