Sunday, 6 November 2011
NO PAN YET!!!!!!!!
So now fall is here, haven't rode the Pan once this year. I should have never decided to paint it. I got the paint back from my brotherin law, what a disaster. I finally took it to Jim Hooker, excellant painter, just didn't think I could afford him. He was great, got it done in about two weeks. I took the bike out of the shop to one of my techs house so he could do some fabricating on the shift linkage. I couldn't beleive it, the main reason I took it to work was to fix the tranny seal leak over the winter, well.... must have pinched that seal because out of nowhere she started to leak on the lift again. So then I get the paint back and now it doesn't match the seat just right, so....I take the seat back and have it recovered AGAIN. It will be spring before I probably will get to ride her, maybe not, just so much been going on in my personal life, not much time to focus on anything else right now. I quit my job at the Dealership where I had been working the past three years on September 30th and started the next day at GATEWAY HARLEY DAVIDSON in St. Louis in their Service Department. My previous job took up every second of my so called life. I gave up my family, my club, my animals my FREEDOM and it was taking a toll on me and it was time to move on. One day at Gateway made me realize that I do have a life, I love the place, the people, just everything about it. Now don't get me wrong, I'm still working long hours, but they are stress free and it's really good to feel appreciated and respected by your employer and I never got that one time at my prior job, never got a raise in over three years, promises, promises. I'm still amazed how two dealerships under the Harley Davidson name can be so different. I'm actually having fun again at work and I don't dread going there. Everyday is a new adventure and my customer following from the other store is amazing. Thanks to all of you that have expressed your kind words and that have followed me to my new location. That means alot to me to know I made a difference and to where you will do your bussiness from now on. It's all about honesty and true concern for my customers needs and concerns. Each and everyone is treated equally whether they have $100.00 to spend or $10,000.00. Some people didn't see it that way and it would piss me off to see them cater to the ones that would drop a big chunk of change over the loyal customer that just needed a tire or advice. I feel as though I have been freed from Prison and this is the start of my new life. I'm actually going to start working out again, haven't had time to do that. Was hoping to turn 100,000 on Hammer before the end of the year, but don't think that is gonna happen. I only ride 70 miles round trip to work. I'm picking up a 1991 Ford Ranger tomorrow, one owner with only 51,000 miles on it. It will be for days when I can't ride, won't take the bike out if it's below freezing in the morning when I have to leave, and we have already hit 27 one morning. My Big truck gets 12 mpg and I just can't afford to drive it to the city, so I will park it except for really bad weather when I need 4WD. Went to Minnesota for Helloween Party with some of my sisters. Hopefully I will get pics of the Pan soon. Thanks for listening, CG
Posted by CruelGirl
at 8:16 PM CDT
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